Category Archives: Maine

The New York Times Loves Flanagan’s Table Too!


Attached is a great article singing the praises of  Gail Landry, and my favorite monthly dinner series Flanagan’s Table. If you ever get a chance to get tickets to one of these events, you should leap at the chance. The dinners are presided over by Gail’s daughter Alex Wight, a dynamo chef in her own right and the best hostess the state of Maine has ever seen! See the New York Times for the full article.

Ps. Love good food and feeding hungry children. Gail and her family are also doing their part to reduce childhood hunger.  Please check out Share Our Strength, they will be auctioning off a celebrity chef dinner at Flanagan’s Table soon.

Nosh:King of Yum Strikes Again

Jason Loring Maine’s king of Yum and owner of both Nosh and newly opened Slab,stuns with this beautifully presented rendition of fish and chips. Delicious and served with waffle cut chips, and Kimchee. Add an order of Nosh’s famous fries, and I am in heaven!



Food and Wine 10 Portland Plates

Food and wine just gave another shoutout to Portland Maine. Among their favorites are the perennial Central Provisions, but also making the list were a few surprises like Salvage and David Levi’s Vinland. Congratulations to all. Seems like a good excuse to plan a fall trip.
For the full list please see Food and Wine magazine.

Bon Appetit top 10 New restaurants 2014

Congratulations to Central Provisions for making Bon Appetit’s Top 10 New Restaurants, list.IMG_1016.JPG

